MJ News Network

Saturday, July 14, 2012

O Wow O Wow!

Even at the end,

he looked into the future.

Oh wow oh wow oh….

* * *

Tim Brickley

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Rocky Coast

small island forest

a cold walk over moss rocks

our private picnic

Welcome to Haiku Hash

Welcome to HaikuHash

We are blessed to be living in the golden age of American Haiku. Though thousands of years old, the ancient Japanese poetry form (3 lines of 5, 7, 5 syllables) has gained new-found popularity in the social media age.

Haiku Horoscopes and Headline Haiku. PhotoHaiku (phoku) and Naughty Haiku. The genre has been adopted widely across Facebook, Twitter and Social Media.

HaikuHash will use these pages, and our Twitter and Social Media channels, to showcase all the Haiku that's fit to Tweet.

If you'd like to see your Haiku here, please tweet out a link to your work, along with the hashtag: #Haiku , or send it to us at: phokufeed@yahoo.com

And, be sure to follow us at: